Personal Philosophy

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  • "The kids are playing games -- they are leading games, and they are laughing and learning. Everyone knows each other's names. And I saw the coach pull a kid aside and ask how his grandmother was feeling now that she is out of the hospital. I was a competitive basketball player in high school. Our practices didn't look like this at all. I remember being yelled at by my coaches, and we did a lot of challenging and repetitive drills, over and over until we 'got it right.' I thought sports were for people who could grit through the pain, and come out on top. The wrestling program is so different"

    Hearing about a high school practice in such a relaxed tone compared to my high school practices felt weird or out of place. This was not my normal and was far from it. However, it is comforting to know that a high school wrestling program can have such a culture where the student-athletes can be productive in an athlete lead and low stress environment. This reminds me of my philosophy as a future coach, where I want to encourage an environment that we can be challenged, work hard but always an environment that athletes genuinely enjoy to be in. 

    "Civic Youth Development supports youth as they learn to become democratic citizens, and encourages them to explore social issues that they find meaningful"

    This quote reminded me of the famous saying.. You can bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink it. Where in a youth environment, kids will be engaged in what interests them at the time. Whether that's a social injustice, a new video game or tv show, etc. The more you can incorporate or connect with things that they genuinely enjoy the better off your facilitation will be. Asking and understanding what they find meaningful and interesting and connecting it to other important life issues and standpoints is our jobs as facilitators.

    "These ideologies are not pure or fixed - a philosophy can grow, change and develop over time?" 

    Just as today is different from yesterday, a month ago, a year ago the world is consistently and constantly changing. With these changes, my personal philosophy will develop, grow, change, over time. It is important that it does because an outlook on something can change in an instance and maintaining an adaptable philosophy to the world today is very important. 

    News & Events – Redland Green


  1. Hi Jordyn I really enjoyed the quotes you picked and how they resonated with you. I also liked how you made the quotes a different color.

  2. Hi Jordyn, This blog is unique and you show great evidence on how the three quotes you choose resonated with you. One that sounds awesome/outstanding to me the most was the first quote as it not just resonates to me as well, but I also think students should be challenged, have fun, and do something that will make them better people. Everyone has different skills and I remember my experience in middle school. It is usually about the players being viewed and not the whole team, and we want every person to be heard, accepted, and be challenged to their own level.


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