Who Sees Marcus


Marcus's Mother:
Marcus's mother has a completely different view of her son. She sees him in their home setting and not a school like setting as Emily and the librarian do. Home is a different environment for Marcus, where it does not have the same structure at school and its a place where his comfort level is higher. While home, his mother loves and cares for her son, but she does not ignore the issues that Marcus has and wants to work with the school to improve things for Marcus. Eventually it became that therapy was working but medication became the end result. 

                                                       Mommy and Me Art — Mint Studio 

The Librarian:
The librarian had a lot of patience and care for Marcus. She took the time to build a relationship with Marcus so she could better understand and assist him. He expressed to her his opinions of the books there and how he did not like them. Eventually she learned that Marcus did not have any books of his own at his home. Once she knew that she decided to give Marcus some books so this way he would have his own and they could be at his house for his use whenever he would like. She felt sad that he did not have any books for himself or his home. I chose the image below because I felt that it represented the librarian and Marcus's relationship, two people, a connection made through books and a book setting. 

          Not Everything with Books is a Library » Public Libraries Online

Emily, Marcus's teacher plays a different role in viewing Marcus. Emily works hard to try to have patience with his behavior and outbursts in the classroom. She tries to do so by disregarding instances like when Marcus stood up to the class telling them that he was going to the bathroom numerous times, she continued her teaching and did not allow it to affect her teaching. She works and wants to help Marcus and understands why he is acting like so. However, she is in a tougher position than his mother or the librarian because she must also think of the rest of the class. 


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