352 Post Two

                                                        STEREOTYPING OUR YOUTH

Stereotypes Discussed:

- Black girls are loud & aggressive

- Black girls are drinking & having sex

- White girls are innocent

These stereotypes that these authors discuss, ultimately have no justification. These beliefs leave an invisible stamp on people for the rest of their lives, because this is what "society" believes. For example, the black women explained their childhood experiences and how they were viewed as less innocent compared to their white classmates or community members. This made the treatment they received change, as they were treated more so as adults and reprimanded worse than the white girls for the same incidents.

These stereotypes should simply not exist. It is THE PERSON, it is NOT the race, the class, the gender, the sexuality. A person should only be viewed by their own personality, character and integrity. I am a true believer in the difference of believing what others say versus YOUR personal experience with someone else.

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Friendly Reminder: What you hear about other people is what others WANT you to hear.. There is always more to the story.. Make your OWN opinion and do not judge someone on anything other than their character, integrity, morals and actions.

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My Personal Experience:

I remember clearly it was my junior year of high school basketball at Durfee High. We were getting ready for our run out and warmups when our CD was missing. This was frustrating because it took our teammate a lot of time to make a clean CD with everyones' song recommendations and editing. We decided to use the boys warmup CD so we would have something good to warmup too. It was roughly less than five minutes into the warmup that the CD was shut off and removed and some background music was put on, due to "profanity." While the boys had used that same CD for weeks now, when the girls team used it, it was then shut off and we were reprimanded. Then, the following week the boys put their same CD in, warmed up for the game and there was not one issue with the music for the rest of the season. While we had to argue for our original, clean, edited CD to be played again. 

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  1. I like how you describe the differences between people and I agree that "Stereotypes should not simply not exist". By the way I see things now, people are being discriminated for the way are or for the way they look. You show a great experience of your own by showing how the "Boys basketball team listening to the same CD for the whole season while the girls basketball team had to play something else" in high school. People should be allowed to play what they feel is good no matter what gender, race, or type of person you are. Stereotypes are not even a thing to us and they really do not describe who we are as individuals, it is just a word used to insult people for being different such as "Black girls are loud and aggressive" which is not true. "White girls are innocent" is not always true either. Not only gender and race, everyone is a great person and no matter how different we are, we are a diversity that should support one another and have positive views about other people.


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