
Showing posts from September, 2020

Tatum & Racism

Discussing a lot of topics with people can be very difficult or intimidating at times. Racism is one that is definitely in that category. It's a hard topic in that sense of fear and worry of using the wrong terms. It can be hard to grasp that the fact that someone could be so poorly mistreated in this world because of their skin color. Racism has divided the nation today of those individuals that support Black Lives Matter and those who do not. And let me say this, while everyone is entitled to their own opinions BLACK LIVES DO MATTER . They are people, they are humans, they have feelings and goals just as others and they deserve to be treated better.         Thinking about my education on race and racial identity, it was very lacked. I saw a glimpse of it my freshman year of college in a sociology class. My sophomore year I did not see much, but it wasn't until my junior year of college where my classrooms really started bringing it to light. FNED and a number of social work c

Who Sees Marcus

                                                                                   MARCUS  Marcus's Mother: Marcus's mother has a completely different view of her son. She sees him in their home setting and not a school like setting as Emily and the librarian do. Home is a different environment for Marcus, where it does not have the same structure at school and its a place where his comfort level is higher. While home, his mother loves and cares for her son, but she does not ignore the issues that Marcus has and wants to work with the school to improve things for Marcus. Eventually it became that therapy was working but medication became the end result.                                                                        The Librarian: The librarian had a lot of patience and care for Marcus. She took the time to build a relationship with Marcus so she could better understand and assist him. He expressed to her his opinions of the books there and how he did not like them. Even

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                                                                      STEREOTYPING OUR YOUTH Stereotypes Discussed: - Black girls are loud & aggressive - Black girls are drinking & having sex - White girls are innocent These stereotypes that these authors discuss, ultimately have no justification. These beliefs leave an invisible stamp on people for the rest of their lives, because this is what "society" believes. For example, the black women explained their childhood experiences and how they were viewed as less innocent compared to their white classmates or community members. This made the treatment they received change, as they were treated more so as adults and reprimanded worse than the white girls for the same incidents. These stereotypes should simply not exist. It is THE PERSON, it is NOT the race, the class, the gender, the sexuality. A person should only be viewed by their own personality, character and integrity. I am a true believer in the difference of bel

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  KNOW: Something I know was how difficult the system can be for our youth, where it can be flawed in several ways which ultimately hurts the youth individually and collectively. However, being around youth, between working with them and observing their behaviors you can find the areas of improvement along with the areas of strength quickly. With that being said it is important as a youth care worker to really understand how to motivate and develop a plan for them individually. Being able to provide a supportive relationship, options and stability can influence a child's path to success despite their personal obstacles or challenges in all aspects of their lives.  LEARN: The deficit approach and its purpose for at risk students of negative behaviors such as drug use, teen pregnancy and more. Although, with no significant reduction or long lasting impact on these at risk students this approach ultimately failed by focusing on the negative rather than the positives.  WHAT DO I WANT T