
Showing posts from December, 2020


 Youth Development Events                                                                                           - Fall 2020 Event #1.               -  Black Feminism & the Movement for Black Lives: Barbara Smith, Reina Gossett, Charlene Carruthers Link: Event #2.             -  Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses 'White Fragility' Link:  

Play play & more play

  How do the readings this week change your ideas about PLAY? What resonates with you from these texts? After doing the readings and reviewing some of my classmates blogs, I really enjoyed this discussion of play. "Play is not disguised learning; play IS learning." This quote really stuck out to me as you commonly see or hear the stigma that revolves around a statement like this. Where some individuals believe learning must be a conformed, highly structured environment. I agree with Henry Jenkins that that is simply not true. This really resonated with me after the past few years of watching or observing my nephew and niece learn and grow. What may work for one in the classroom does not work for the other. Through play my niece learns well through her creative side, my nephew learns well through observation and building. However, they have learned a lot more through many different aspects of their daily play. The readings this week have changed my ideas about play through the

Locating yourself, myself, ourselves..

"They said they knew at every moment of their lives they were not White, but they felt that White people did not know they were White." This quote from, Locating Yourself for Your Students by Priya Parmar and Shirley Steinberg heavily caught my attention.  Was there a time I realized I was white? Was there a time I realized other children didn't look like me?  I never can remember a time that I realized I was white, as the reading says. I don't remember being a young child and thinking "you look different than me." The only difference I noticed when I was a kid was a very few things.. 1. If you were a boy or a girl because at that age you would hear "boys are icky" "girls have cooties" 2. If I liked to play with you Another quote that I resonated with was.. "Our students began to write and perform passionately about the recovery of their own ethnic identities, ant their struggles as young women and men of color living in a male-dom